CHIPS Quality Security Services
It is always important that you shield any of your valuable date from potential cybercriminals.
Cybercrime happens to be one of the fastest growing crimes today, which results in the loss of expenses and revenues that could end up costing the life of your business. CHIPS can help to put shields in layers to fortify your computer networks from any complex viruses, threats or targeted attacks.
Every device and computer in your network can be monitored and managed centrally by state of the art, proactive technologies that are tailored to the security level that you need.
CHIPS’ Network Assurance Appliance takes care of basic and advanced issues with customizable network security protection. You have the ability to protect your entire network without any hardware purchase up front, and add-on modules for businesses, medical/dental, non-profit, financial and legal firms.
Managed Antivirus
You could end up being more vulnerable than you may think. Even if you have antivirus software that is fully operational, a lot of computer networks could be compromised by new types of network viruses, email worms, data theft and spyware. It is time to move past antivirus. The managed security services with CHIPS will offer you advanced techniques and tools that may otherwise be cumbersome or unaffordable for a lot of organizations to employ.
Endpoint Protection Plan:
– Offers targeted attack audits
– Protects your critical assets
– Utilizes a central console for simplifying policy enforcement
– Provides seamless integration and centralized management
– Cuts off malware infestation before it starts
– Puts together enterprise class, all in one solutions for non-profit, business, legal, medical/dental and financial firm data
Security Manager
Timely updates help to foster protection and productivity.
You can keep all of your networked computers fully updated with all of the latest program software, making your PCs much more secure. The Security Manger will systematically maintain over 100 programs, from Evernote to Adobe Reader. You will see that compatibility conflicts and annoying update balloons will be a thing of the past.